Graveyard: Castletown
Grid reference: G2
GPS: -6.188816885/ 52.72271592
Name: Hugh Murray
Address: Kilmurray
Date of death: 1/06/1885
Age: 69
Headstone stone maker: none
Headstone dimenions: H 220cm, W 63cm, T 25cm
Type of stone used: White marble
Grid reference: G2
GPS: -6.188816885/ 52.72271592
Name: Hugh Murray
Address: Kilmurray
Date of death: 1/06/1885
Age: 69
Headstone stone maker: none
Headstone dimenions: H 220cm, W 63cm, T 25cm
Type of stone used: White marble

Erected by Christopher Murray of Kilmurray in memory of his father Hugh Murray died 1st June 1885 aged 69 yrs.
His mother Anne died 1st Dec. 1904.
His brother William died 20th Feb. 1911.
His three bothers died young.
His brother James died 18th Oct. 1917 aged 66 yrs.
Mary Murray died 10th March 1923 aged 64 yrs.
Elizabeth Mary Cullen Killowen Arklow who died young and her sister Maura Margaret Cullen died 19th Jan 2001 aged 77 yrs. and their sister Josephine [ Josie ] Cullen granddaughters of the above William Murray
Erected by Christopher Murray of Kilmurray in memory of his father Hugh Murray died 1st June 1885 aged 69 yrs.
His mother Anne died 1st Dec. 1904.
His brother William died 20th Feb. 1911.
His three bothers died young.
His brother James died 18th Oct. 1917 aged 66 yrs.
Mary Murray died 10th March 1923 aged 64 yrs.
Elizabeth Mary Cullen Killowen Arklow who died young and her sister Maura Margaret Cullen died 19th Jan 2001 aged 77 yrs. and their sister Josephine [ Josie ] Cullen granddaughters of the above William Murray