Graveyard: Monamolin old Catholic graveyard
Grid reference: D 1
GPS: -6.348366033/ 52.55704648
Name: Margaret Breen
Address: Kilcorkey
Date of death: 27/12/1840
Age: 60
Headstone stone maker: none
Headstone dimenions: H 213cm, W 106cm, T 12cm
Type of stone used: Limestone

Gloria in excelsis Deo.
Erected by Maurice Breen of Kilcorkey in memory of his wife Margaret Breen who depd. this life Decr. 27th , 1840 aged 60 years.
Here also lies the remains of Catherine Neville sister of the above Mr Breen who depd. this life April 22nd , 1840 aged 55 years.
The above Maurice Breen depd. this life April 2nd, 1849 aged 63 yrs.
Also his niece Mary Doran Balinastraw who died 19th April 1892 aged 60 yrs.
And her husband John Doran died 24th Oct. 1902 aged 73 ? yrs.
Also their grandson John Doran died 10th Feb. 1907 aged 2 yrs.
Requiescant in pace amen.