Graveyard: Askamore old [Beside church ]
Grid reference: Right plaque, corner of church
GPS: none
Name: Mary O'Neill
Address: Donishall
Date of death: 6/02/1888
Age: 25
Headstone stone maker: none
Headstone dimenions: H 0cm, W 0cm, T 0cm
Type of stone used: Limestone

Erected in memory of Mary O'Neill Donishall died 6th Feb. 1888 aged 25 yrs.
Edward O,Neill Donishall died 15th March 1896 aged 76 yrs.
Catherine O'Neill Donishall died 26th Jan. 1907 aged 75 yrs.
Catherine O,Neill Donishall died 2nd Sep. 1917 aged 62 yrs.