Graveyard: Kilcavan
Grid reference: L 2
GPS: -6.216885824/ 52.70719576
Name: Aine de Brun
Address: Cnoc na Teamhrach
Date of death: 09/01/1915
Age: 23
Headstone stone maker: O'Dubgaill Bun Cloide - Doyle - Bunclody
Headstone dimenions: H 164cm, W 75cm, T 8cm
Type of stone used: White marble
Grid reference: L 2
GPS: -6.216885824/ 52.70719576
Name: Aine de Brun
Address: Cnoc na Teamhrach
Date of death: 09/01/1915
Age: 23
Headstone stone maker: O'Dubgaill Bun Cloide - Doyle - Bunclody
Headstone dimenions: H 164cm, W 75cm, T 8cm
Type of stone used: White marble

In Dil Cuimne Aine De Brun, Cnoc na Teamhrach, Guaire.
Deag an 9iu la d'Eanair in aois a 23 bliadna di. Padraig De Brun O.S a hathair a caillead Meitheamh 7, 1939.
Agus a mathair Aine De Brun deag 25 Iuil 1942. Chomh maith leis a n-inion Aine Browne a deag 24 Meitheamh 1971. R.I.P.
In faithful memory of Anne Browne, Tara Hill, Gorey who died on the 9th January 1915 in her 23rd year. Patrick Browne O.S her father who died on the 7th June 1939. And her mother Anne Browne who died on the 25th July 1942
Also her daughter Aine Browne who died 24th June 1971.
In Dil Cuimne Aine De Brun, Cnoc na Teamhrach, Guaire.
Deag an 9iu la d'Eanair in aois a 23 bliadna di. Padraig De Brun O.S a hathair a caillead Meitheamh 7, 1939.
Agus a mathair Aine De Brun deag 25 Iuil 1942. Chomh maith leis a n-inion Aine Browne a deag 24 Meitheamh 1971. R.I.P.
In faithful memory of Anne Browne, Tara Hill, Gorey who died on the 9th January 1915 in her 23rd year. Patrick Browne O.S her father who died on the 7th June 1939. And her mother Anne Browne who died on the 25th July 1942
Also her daughter Aine Browne who died 24th June 1971.