Graveyard: Craanford front [ Old ]
Grid reference: C 5
GPS: -6.390831652/ 52.68006961
Name: Moses McDonal
Address: Clonamonaugh
Date of death: 2/02/1874
Age: 76
Headstone stone maker: none
Headstone dimenions: H 150cm, W 97cm, T 10cm
Type of stone used: Limestone
Grid reference: C 5
GPS: -6.390831652/ 52.68006961
Name: Moses McDonal
Address: Clonamonaugh
Date of death: 2/02/1874
Age: 76
Headstone stone maker: none
Headstone dimenions: H 150cm, W 97cm, T 10cm
Type of stone used: Limestone
Erected by Denis McDonal in memory of his beloved father Moses McDonal of Clonamonaugh who died 2nd February 1874 aged 76 years.
Also his beloved mother Margaret McDonal who died 2nd September 1874 aged 72 years.
Also his beloved brother John McDonal who died 9th March 1869 aged 23 years.
Also his beloved brother James McDonal who died young.
Erected by Denis McDonal in memory of his beloved father Moses McDonal of Clonamonaugh who died 2nd February 1874 aged 76 years.
Also his beloved mother Margaret McDonal who died 2nd September 1874 aged 72 years.
Also his beloved brother John McDonal who died 9th March 1869 aged 23 years.
Also his beloved brother James McDonal who died young.