Graveyard: Craanford front [ Old ]
Grid reference: D 3
GPS: -6.390689937/ 52.6801191
Name: Mary Browne
Address: Clonamona
Date of death: 6/08/1908
Age: 73
Headstone stone maker: Travers Gorey.
Headstone dimenions: H 143cm, W 44cm, T 9cm
Type of stone used: Limestone

Erected by Peter Browne Clonamona in memory of his wife Mary Browne died 6th Aug. 1908 aged 73 yrs.
His son Nicholas died 15th July 1905 aged 44 yrs.
His daughter Margaret died 19th Dec. 1889 aged 16 yrs. and his son Thomas died in St. Louis U.S.A. aged 24 yrs.
R I P.