Graveyard: Craanford front [ Old ]
Grid reference: D 1
GPS: -6.390607383/ 52.68019491
Name: Edward Byrne
Address: Clonamona
Date of death: 12/12/1887
Age: 71
Headstone stone maker: Travers Gorey.
Headstone dimenions: H 165cm, W 69cm, T 8cm
Type of stone used: White marble

Erected by Edward Byrne of Clonamona in loving memory of his father Edward Byrne who died 12th Dec. 1887 aged 71 years.
Also his mother Margaret died 4th Feb. 1888 aged 69 years.
His brother James died 28th April 1876 aged 25 years.
His sister Anne died 7th Jan. 1886 aged 24 years.
Also his brother Patrick died 6th Sept. 1906 aged 50 years.