Graveyard: Monamolin old Catholic graveyard
Grid reference: D 1
GPS: -6.348366033/ 52.55704648
Name: James Doyle
Address: Ballinvally Monamolin
Date of death: 16/08/1851
Age: 81
Headstone stone maker: none
Headstone dimenions: H 203cm, W 106cm, T 12cm
Type of stone used: Limestone

Erected to the memory of James Doyle of Ballinvally who died Aug. 16th, 1851 aged 81 years.
Also his wife Mary died April 21st, 1851 aged 82 years.
Also his son Michael died Mar. 25th, 1855 aged 47 years.
Requiescant in pace. amen.