Graveyard: Ballyfad Old
Grid reference: K 5
GPS: -6.268295137/ 52.76736027
Name: Mary Ward
Address: Ballarkin
Date of death: 2/06/1845
Age: 18
Headstone stone maker: none
Headstone dimenions: H 140cm, W 94cm, T 9cm
Type of stone used: Limestone
Grid reference: K 5
GPS: -6.268295137/ 52.76736027
Name: Mary Ward
Address: Ballarkin
Date of death: 2/06/1845
Age: 18
Headstone stone maker: none
Headstone dimenions: H 140cm, W 94cm, T 9cm
Type of stone used: Limestone

Gloria in excelsis Deo.
Erected by Bernard Ward of Ballarkin in memory of his beloved daughter Mary Ward who depd. this life June 2nd 1845 in the 18th year of her age.
Also his belod. wife Onney Ward who depd. this life March 27th 1846 aged 49 yrs.
Reverse of stone the following quotation.
" It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they maybe loosed from their sins.
" Mac. XII 46.
Gloria in excelsis Deo.
Erected by Bernard Ward of Ballarkin in memory of his beloved daughter Mary Ward who depd. this life June 2nd 1845 in the 18th year of her age.
Also his belod. wife Onney Ward who depd. this life March 27th 1846 aged 49 yrs.
Reverse of stone the following quotation.
" It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they maybe loosed from their sins.
" Mac. XII 46.